Monday, January 16, 2012

Concidence, Synchronicity -- or Telepathy?

On Saturday morning, I went to the Farmers' Market, as usual. I got hungry while I was there, so I stopped at a pupusa stand which makes an amazing meal of a bean, cheese and pork pupusa (a kind of stuffed tortilla) with spicy, vinegary coleslaw and hot tomato sauce. Yum! The only drawback is that this is definitely not fast food -- there's about a 20 minute wait from when you place your order till you receive it.

While I waited, I perused Facebook on my iPhone. One of my friends had posted a link to a new blog post I'd been awaiting for a couple of weeks. I knew my husband had been awaiting it as well, so I called him right away. I don't normally use my phone when I'm out and about unless I absolutely have to, so this was somewhat out of character. He knows I don't like to be texted, so this is a bit out of character for him, too. (He knew I'd never answer the phone if I were driving, which explains the text.)

When he answered, the first thing he said was, "Did you get my text?" I hadn't gotten a text message from him -- but within 30 seconds before my call, he'd texted me to say that this particular blog post was up!

Is this merely a coincidence? According to Webster's dictionary, a coincidence is "an accidental and remarkable occurrence of events, ideas, etc. at the same time...".

Well, okay, it's definitely remarkable, but is it accidental?

Is it more? Is it a synchronicity?

According to Wikipedia, "The idea of synchronicity is that the conceptual relationship of minds, defined as the relationship between ideas, is intricately structured in its own logical way and gives rise to relationships that are not causal in nature. These relationships can manifest themselves as simultaneous occurrences that are meaningfully related."

Maybe, maybe not.

Is it telepathy?

My definition of telepathy is mind to mind communication, unmediated by physical world communication. That is, if we had already spoken and planned to contact each other when the blog post came out, it wouldn't be telepathy. If we looked at each other, shared a meaningful glance, and said, "I just saw this post", it wouldn't be telepathy. But since we were miles apart, and had no communication before the almost simultaneous communication, it could be.

So which is it? My vote is for telepathy. Maybe telepathy explains this particular synchronicity and what others might call a coincidence.

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