Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year, from my heart

I know that 2009 was a hard year for many people, and my heart goes out to all of you. I also know that 2010 can be a better year, for each of us individually, and for all of us collectively, if we all work together. I wish that for you, and for us, from the bottom of my heart.

As you think about the coming year, ask yourself a few questions:

- What are my fondest dreams?
- What can I do tomorrow (and every tomorrow) to make each of them come true?
- What gives me joy right now?
- How can I give myself some of that today (and every day)?
- How can I share with those around me, in ways that make life better for all of us?

I wish you joy beyond what you can imagine, and the realization of your fondest dreams, for 2010 and out into the future.

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